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Bente Birkeland
Position: Staff reporter

Colorado’s history of women in politics marks another milestone: A House majority

Colorado’s House of Representatives is in an exclusive club. It’s one of only two legislative chambers in the country where female lawmakers hold a majority. Overall, women make up nearly ha...

Gun control quarrel illustrates how Hickenlooper might fare in partisan presidential age

Five years ago, he enacted laws that upset many, but ultimately, he created a bridge

Sen. Michael Bennet ‘seriously thinking’ about a 2020 run for president

Colorado’s Democratic senator could be competing against former boss

What’s on Democrats’ agenda for state Legislature? Red flag laws and more

A resurrected contentious red flag gun bill that failed last legislative session is among a number of bills Democrats hope to revive now that they hold both a statehouse majority and governo...

Secretary of state will pursue campaign complaint against Unite Colorado

Durango voter filed one complaint about House District 59 candidate Paul Jones

Gov. Hickenlooper dips a political toe in Iowa

Colorado governor has yet to announce presidential run in 2020

Unaffiliated candidates angling to appeal to unsatisfied voters

Unaffiliated voters outnumber Dems and GOP in Colorado

Capitol committee inches toward compromise on how to handle harassment complaints

Both sides at odds over makeup of disciplinary panel

Lawmakers take another step in crafting the Legislature’s new misconduct policy

Nearly half of all state legislatures have taken action to reconsider internal policies and state laws on sexual misconduct. Colorado is midstream in its effort to effect change. ...